Saturday, April 18, 2009

Communication Is King by Moses Isaac

Communication Is King by Moses Isaac

Communication is king in business. However, it is much like communicating with children. You state your point in a way that you considered to be very clear and obvious to the listener while the listener hears some thing totally different. Listeners hear what they want or expect to hear or, even worse, interpret what they think you meant, as apposed to what you said. This requires an obsessive attention to the effectiveness of all communication, including the what, when, how and most important the why of what you are communicating. In addition, the frequency and tone of the communication are important.

In the noisy and fast - paced world of today it is increasingly important for business people to share idea, discuss tasks and clearly communicate vision and direction. The overwhelming majority (94 percent) of senior executives and managers rank "open communicating well" as the most important skill for them to succeed today and tomorrow. "Effective, Consistant Communication is the key, because by so doing a leader can attract and retain the only sustainable competitive advantage there is : a focussed, motivated and comitted work force," says one senior executive at a small company. Says another, "Most important : Convince people. Plan, organise, and execute to search goals align with the mission combined with a vision that considers all stake holders." It can be difficult to convince without the ability to communicate well. Communicating well, which starts at an early age, is obviously important all the way through school and into the business world.

Better communication also makes working with other easier. "A lot of executive/leaders are too Political and they think they Colloborate, when they are either telling people what they want to hear or telling different things to different people," says one manager."I see too many games being played not true friendship or trust. The word communication so many things to different people." If members of a department or business team communicate well, much can be accomplished. Specific tasks become clear, and each member understand his or her role. When strategy and direction are clearly communicated subbordinates understand what they have to do.

Of course, communication is not the only skill required for success in business. The top skills after communicating well are, in order, the ability to stay focussed, Colloborate with others, Keep over - all perspective, and learn and prioritize tasks. " The success of the future will be integrating, communicating and focussing personally and colloboratively, " says one manager. "That will allow managers to need less fundamental expertise and be able to more effectively rely on their work force." Another manager observes, "since the late nineties, feel baffled by what it takes to be a successful executive. On one hand, you have the visionaries, who seem to be swept out of office. On the other, you have the short sighted being brought in. These short sighted managers are driven primarily by a stead fast bureaucratic approach to issues. "Tell me what you want, and I'll do it" is their attitude". No matter which skills you feel you have mastered, from staying focussed to prioritizing tasks, they could be wasted without strong communication.

Moses Isaac